I developed an innovative music-sharing app with a user-friendly interface, enhancing the way users engage with and enjoy music. Throughout the development process, I documented my journey from initial ideation sketches to a comprehensive video demo showcasing the app's features and functionality, providing a visual walkthrough of its evolution and capabilities.
This app concept is a feature-rich user-friendly social and music service. Its purpose is to connect people through music and provide a more social experience than mainstream apps like Spotify, Apple Music, and Soundcloud. In addition to its jukebox function, the app weaves detailed records of your listening history with social features and recommendations based on your friends’ libraries. Just download the app, connect your service account, and experience the wide world of music for you and your friends to explore!
Some examples of the app screens:
Here is a visual walkthrough for 2 different in-app scenarios:
First, lots of rough hand sketches... Then we move to the computer to play with color palettes, logo finalization, and the first steps at creating a cohesive brand.
Wireframing rough sketches:
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